From the Times of India:
"NEW DELHI: Amid reports of clashes between rival factions of Naga rebels, the Government will hold talks with top leadership of the NSCN (I-M) in Amsterdam for three days beginning on Tuesday where the group may toughen its stand on unification of Naga-inhabited areas."
The motivation of the Nagalanders? Christianity:
"[Nagaland] has been ripped apart by a guerrilla war fought to establish a free Christian nation. An estimated 200,000 Nagas have died in the struggle for freedom from Indian rule. Most were killed by Indian security forces from 1952 to 1963 [...] Both Christianity and guerrilla warfare took root in the 1950s. Now some of the Baptists use their faith to explain their motivation to make war[. Billy] Graham's broadcasts had not reached the distant village of Ukhrul when Thuingaleng Muivah, Nagaland's future guerrilla leader, was a boy in the 1940s. But even before he learned to read, Muivah stared at a picture of Christ cradling a lamb in his father's Bible and later saw in it a proverb for his people [...] "God has created all of creation. Nagaland is part of creation - and God has a purpose for it. Surely God means for us to be free," says Muivah, now 68 and living in exile in the Netherlands [...] Each soldier is required to carry two items at all times - a packet of salt to fight dehydration and a pocket-sized Gideons International Bible [...] Capt. Edwin Shimray, a slight and extremely polite 28-year-old, holds his book gently, like a delicate mountain flower [...] "In the battlefield, even if we don't have time to read," he says in English, "there is some inspiration in knowing I'm holding the Bible. It's with me."
Worse still, these terrorists have a safe-haven and funding -- the United States:
"America is funding Christian militants in India, like that they have done for Taliban This is with the aim to create christian nations in India by breaking it. American president Bush elected with the help of the christian fanatics distribute funds from white house. Millions of dollars flows to christian missionaries and Christian NGOs in India. The seriousness of this situation can be gauged by the fact that christians run most of the 4000 NGOs in India and most of them are involved in misinformation and conversion activities."
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