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September 16, 2006



You want factualy mistakes?
here's what is a factual mistake:

You tak about muslim children dying?
Well, if you didn't know, your "Prophet", which you delusioned souls call him, used to rape 9 year old girls, who were too young to even wear a bra.

And if you try to deny or rebuke that, you'll be mocking yourself, because that is a well established historical fact.


Don't you have any better insults?

Saint John

Why all the hype with the popes address...I beg for an answer if what he mention is not true then why do muslims attack and kill muslims in the name of God and why is it that each cleric has a diffrent interpretation of the Koran....

Abu Muhammad

It isn't too hard to comprehend that Muslims who choose to kill in the name of God are [mis]using scripture to qualify their wrongdoings. In a way its similar how Pope used an obscure one sided dialogue from history to enshroud how he understands Islam to be.

Each cleric has a different interpretation of Quran because it is a living text that can be interpreted in more than one ways. What is so unreasonable about it?


My PC went kerboof over the weekend so I have not written anything about this. Glad you have a link to the actual speech, but frankly everything has been said that I think needs to be said.





Thanks for compiling all this!

Did you read Chapati Mystery's input yet? 1 and 2.



I have now! Many thanks for the links.




Also, I think Tariq Ramadan's article (in the Brassfeed) had some very interesting points and was far more intelligent than Armstrong's take.


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Religious questions are always the hardest.

Deny Rulters

I think Tariq Ramadan's article (in the Brassfeed) had some very interesting points and was far more intelligent than Armstrong's take. premium wordpress themes

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Thanks for giving us some insights about the pope, quite interesting to read about him

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interesting points and was far more intelligent than Armstrong's take.

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