If the reported comments are true, then this is an error on a grand scale from the secretary-general of the MCB:
"If that demonisation continues, then Britain will have to deal with
two million Muslim terrorists — 700,000 of them in London," [Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari] said.
"If you attack a whole community, it becomes despondent and aggressive."
I'm not even going to analyse his statement. I've already looked this issue (twice). What I find more alarming, given that the reported comments are true, is the complete lack of nous in dealing with the media. In the age of the soundbite, and the droves of dimwits who take these for The Truth, he has made a gross error of judgment in his statement. Even if one believes that racism or bigotry drives terrorism, statements like "Britain will have to deal with
two million Muslim terrorists" do not explain that stance, but merely provide ammunition to anti-Muslim bigots. He practically handed The Sunday Telegraph everything it was no doubt hoping for on a plate. And with glee they open the article with:
"Britain could face the threat of two million home-grown Islamic terrorists, says a senior Muslim leader."
Now I know how this must have felt.
Update: The MCB have issued a statement rejecting the quotes in the Telegraph article:
"The Muslim Council of Britain is shocked and dismayed to see how the
Sunday Telegraph has today in its front page headline story ('Muslim
Leader warns of 2 million British terrorists') misrepresented an
interview with its Secretary-General, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari [...] 'I was interviewed on Thursday by the Sunday Telegraph's David
Harrison. I am quoted in his story today as allegedly saying that if
the demonisation of British Muslims in the media continues then
'Britain will have to deal with 2 million Muslim terrorists, 700,000 in
London.' These are categorically not my words. What I had in fact said
was that 'sections of the British media should not treat as terrorists
the two million British Muslims, of whom 700,000 reside in London.'
Indeed, the Sunday Telegraph's unfair distortion of my views only
serves to underline the manner in which the views of Muslims are so
often misrepresented by sections of our UK media,' said Dr Muhammad
Abdul Bari."
The MCB, or Dr. Abdul Bari, should look into making a complaint to the PCC, as the reported article clearly flouts Article 1 of the PCC's Code of Practice (albeit the PCC is quite toothless, it can provide a moral victory).
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