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« RSS Feed: Islam in the West | Main | A rabbi defends shariah »

August 30, 2006


Tariq Nelson

Excellent points. Even for those of us that feel that there should be condemnation, the sheer amount of incidents would make it a near daily project. We would talk about nothing else

Abu Sahajj
He acknowledges that people, Muslims in this case, perhaps don't feel the need to speak out against something which they obviously bear no responsibility for.
As a matter of fact there have been many books written on the subject of self-proclaimed Muslims committing acts of "Terror", by scholars and Sheikhs from Muslim communities all around the World.

This was illustrated on a comment referencing the Mujahideen Ryder's blog... here

However, if the problem is not concerning the intellectuals but the general population of Muslims world-wide addressing these matters... then I must concede Thabet's position on the matter when he wrote,

The crux of the matter is this: should a Muslim feel compelled to speak out against something 'done in the name of Islam' which they believe to be totally contrary to their faith?
Osama Saeed

I fear the issue is really that there aren't enough Muslim websites and blogs to talk about enough things.

Gary McGath

Thank you. This is literally the first statement that I have seen by a Muslim (I assume you are one) that repudiates the forced conversion of the journalists. I've linked to your post as a demonstration that there are such statements being made. The presence of a single voice can make a large difference.

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